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Product code: H-021

Edge Attack at a Glance

Sale Price (incl. fee): 1,300 JPY
Points: + 13 Pt
Weight: 250g

  Books > English

After a 6-month interval from the great shogi book "Joseki at a Glance", the 2nd volume is now published already!
This time, the theme is "Edge Attack". This book focuses specially on edge attack techniques, and it is well structured. If you become a master of edge attack, your winning percentage will increase significantly. Edge attack can even suddenly turn the tables from a losing position. There is no other book in this world that specially deals with and explains edge-related tactics in this detail. This book is, again, a must-have.

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Translated from the famous series in Japan

The original Japanese version of this book is one of "ひと目" series books published by Mynavi.
Edge Attack at a Glance

Written by Madoka Kitao

This book is written by Madoka Kitao, a Ladies Professional 1-Dan who has the most eagerness in promoting shogi to the world. She is also the inventor of Dobutsu Shogi.
Edge Attack at a Glance

Translated by the famed YouTube broadcaster

The author chose Hidetchi, the YouTube shogi channel producer, as the translator of this 2nd volume as well. If you are a fan of his YouTube videos, don't miss this chance to check out his collaboration work with 1-Dan Kitao.
Edge Attack at a Glance

Clear explanation with many diagrams

Customer reviews

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  • Useful, and entertaining

    2023/05/18 Poster:Makai Bálint Recommend rate:★★★★★

    The book is filled with problems and has a lot of different difficulties. The scenarios are of great variety. I am greatly enjoying it!

  • unique topic

    2017/01/06 Poster:km Recommend rate:★★★★★

    I agree with the description of the book here. It's all about the edge attack. 412 pages of it. (So, that's about 200 or so problems.) I also though it was interesting that there are handicap game edge attack patterns here as well. It's a nice addition to the English shogi literature.

  • Improve your middle game

    2013/12/17 Poster:Chris Campbell Recommend rate:★★★★★

    This book picks up where the first book in the series ends. Once sente and gote have set up their respective castles, what happens next? Here the reader learns numerous middle game techniques to gain an advantage or form a winning attack.

    Just like the other books in this series, multiple readings are essential to nail down the concepts and apply this knowledge to your own games with maximum effect.

  • Another great book by Kitao-sensei

    2013/04/11 Poster:achiinto Recommend rate:★★★★★

    Great instruction on initiating attack at the edges. I now can play more confident shogi and know how to start a good mid-game.

    Can't wait for the next book.

  • This book is amazing.

    2013/03/23 Poster:Nicolás Carrero Recommend rate:★★★★★

    You should get this book if you would like to improve your skill in shogi. Mastering edge attack techniques will definitely improve your playing level and you will have more chances of getting a victory. It is also essential to storm castles at the middle game and at the endgame.

  • The next step in beginner's journey

    2012/09/27 Poster:John Cooper Recommend rate:★★★★

    It is great having a book that helps beginners understand where their opening plans should be headed. It is also immensely helpful in making it more clear why the edges figure so prominently in defensive theory (ala castles). This is a great book for leading beginners deeper into the game without completely losing them in the process.

  • Great book

    2012/08/29 Poster:Steve Bolduc Recommend rate:★★★★

    Solely to enhance your level at shogi. With this you are sure to achieve it. Only for dedicated players : no pain no gain of course..

  • A much needed book

    2012/08/09 Poster:Daniel Recommend rate:★★★★★

    Finally, an English shogi book about edge attacks! Covers a wide variety of tesujis (clever techniques) including basic patterns, middlegame and endgame techniques, how to break down castles, handicap play, and next-move problems.

  • Essential for improvement

    2012/07/31 Poster:hirohiigo Recommend rate:★★★★★

    Edge attacks are one of the best ways to break the opponent's camp. This book will get you familiar with many attacking shapes that you can use in games.

  • Great book.

    2012/06/15 Poster:Ilias Recommend rate:★★★★★

    I recommend it.

  • Essential weapons (tesuji).

    2012/06/10 Poster:Dave Recommend rate:★★★★★

    Just what I've been waiting for, great for seeing how to break into the enemy camp and castles. Highly recommended, if you want to get stronger, buy it!

  • This book improves your winning percentage!

    2012/04/28 Poster:Tomo Recommend rate:★★★★★

    I think this book is another must-have.
    As soon as I finished reading this book, I started to win many games with edge attacks. It is amazing.

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