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Product code: H-062

Ending Attack at a Glance

Sale Price (incl. fee): 1,300 JPY
Points: + 13 Pt
Weight: 250g

  Books > English

In this book, ending attack techniques are systematically discussed using partial diagrams. Various types of problems are covered including basic mate forms, brinkmate forms that lead to mates, as well as the defending techniques to avoid those. The techniques are well categorized, and each covers wide range of levels starting from very basic ones to advanced application that even good players might overlook. This book lets you improve the skill step by step.
The result of a game depends very much on the endgame ability. Please train your sense of ending attack with this book, so that you will be able to see the right move "at a glance".

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Translated from the famous series in Japan

The original Japanese version of this book is one of "ひと目" series books published by Mynavi.

Written by Madoka Kitao

This book is written by Madoka Kitao, a Ladies Professional 2-Dan who has the most eagerness in promoting shogi to the world. She is also the inventor of Dobutsu Shogi.
Ending Attack at a Glance

Translated by the famed YouTube broadcaster

As always, the book is translated by Hidetchi, the YouTube shogi channel producer and 81Dojo director.
Ending Attack at a Glance

Customer reviews

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  • good book

    2017/01/06 Poster:km Recommend rate:★★★★

    I think this is a pretty good book. It has both checkmate as well as brinkmate problems. It includes problems that are based on real game-like type situations. So, it's a fairly practical approach. And, there are problems about how to remove mate threats as well. Personally, I think this last thing is a good feature of the book. The checkmate problems though are commonly found. For example, even if one can't read Japanese, one can find free checkmate problems on the internet. That said, the list of basic checkmate patterns is probably useful to a beginner.

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