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Product code: H-008

Mate-in-1 Handbook by Masahiko Urano

Sale Price (incl. fee): 1,600 JPY
Points: + 16 Pt
Weight: 200g

  Books > Japanese

This book is recommended to those who are:
- from kyu-players to dan-holders (all shogi fans!)
- trying to learn the technique to mate the king
- starting to feel bored with mate-in-3
- mate problem fans
- practicing before participating in a tournament

This book is written in Japanese.

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Customer reviews

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  • Great even for non-Japanese speakers

    2019/01/09 Poster:Evgeny Recommend rate:★★★★★

    The book is of great quality in terms of both content and typography. I've made all the way through and didn't notice any mistake. So, you can trust the puzzles. I don't know Japanese, but it was no problem. First part of the book doesn't need language knowledge at all as both puzzles and answers are drawn as diagrams. In the second part the answers are written but you can easily understand the notation, for 1-move tsumes it's easy enough. The most valuable trick is to see two terms in Japanese: "piecesin hand" and "there is no pieces". The rest is easy. The only drawback is you don't understand comments to the answers, but they are not necessary for 1-move tsumes anyway, they are too simple. I used that book to learn pieces, and it was very helpful.

  • Remember the Rules

    2015/08/23 Poster:Edward Vaughn Recommend rate:★★★★★

    Only one move? How hard can that be? Ooops. (Head slap.) Always keep the rules in mind! Intrigue your chess buddies; get them hooked. Simple but fun.