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  • オススメ
Product code: H-031-1

Storming the Mino Castle 200

Sale Price (incl. fee): 2,400 JPY
Points: + 24 Pt
Weight: 350g

  Books > English

English version of the bestseller "美濃崩し 200" by Takashi Kaneko. For more than 20 years, his books have served as the bibles of shogi endgame techniques in Japan, and have been appreciated by so many players, amateur or professional.

This book is the sequel to the former bestseller "Ending Attack Techniques 200". This time the author explains 200 ways to destroy Mino Castle.

Chapter 1: Storming the Simple Mino
Chapter 2: Storming the Complete Mino
Chapter 3: Storming the High Mino
Chapter 4: Storming the Silver Crown
Chapter 5: Storming the Kimura Mino and Gold Mino
Chapter 6: Finishing Techniques
Chapter 7: Application of Techniques in Joseki

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